Wednesday 1 September 2010

Journal Entry 2: Like Buses...

...there aren't any for ages and then three come along all at once.

There's been a break in the frequency of my posting the parts of 'Smoke and Mirrors', a break which doesn't reflect a 'drop-off' in the rate at which I've been writing the story.  Hence the three parts going 'live' all at once.

This was partly down to one or two draft revisions and partly due to my wanting to get a better feel of the story as a whole.  The whole piece pretty much morphed from what was originally intended to be a very short 'one scene' story into something much larger.  I suppose it just got to a point where I started to feel like I needed to take stock of things and make sure the story was still what I wanted it to be.

The whole thing turned into something of an experiment as soon as I started posting the parts, not only here on the blog, but also on Facebook as notes for my friends to read and comment on.

I was lucky enough to receive some very kind and positive feedback, almost instantly getting calls for more of the same.  That was probably the point that the story started to grow.  As more posts went live, people started to react to different characters and scenes in ways I hadn't anticipated.  This was great; I mean, people were actually enjoying this stuff and, better yet, wanted to know more about Domino and co.

Perhaps in trying to keep this small readership happy, I started to ask too many questions of my writing, with little niggling doubts scratching away in my head as I wrote more.  During this process, my wife reminded me that perhaps I should just focus on the original intent: to write stories that I myself would like to read.  This simple, but ever-so-effective, observation crystalised the whole mess for me and I was back on track.  Again, some more good luck for me.

So, after much rambling, I hope this gives some insight into the delay.  My apologies to any who might be reading and have been waiting.  I hope you enjoy following Domino through the latest parts of this story.  Thanks for sticking with me.

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