Friday, 10 February 2012

'The Sack of Mycovia'

Below is my entry to Madison Woods' #FridayFictioneers.  The idea is to write a piece of flash fiction (in this case, a piece of approximately 100 words) prompted/inspired by the following image:

The original image, along with a full explanation of the Friday Fictioneers concept, can be found at:

I'd like to extend my thanks to Madison for the inspiration :-)

Here's the story (Any comments/feedback would be appreciated, I am always trying to improve):

The Sack of Mycovia
 Behind wax sealed eyes, the Crooked Seers discovered Mycovia in fevered dreams. They whispered furtively to the Undying Emperor and told him tales of a hidden race of mushroom people.  With a languid gesture of his desiccated hand, he dispatched his most feared abominations to bring him Mycovian specimens for his terrible menagerie.

On dark wings they flew, riding a fetid wind, wielding chitinous spears and filling the night with eldritch cries.  They left Mycovia desolate, clutching their diminutive captives in pulsating mucus sacks.  Below, unseen by shifting eyes, Mycovia's chosen remained concealed beneath loam. They would endure, as they always had.

Copyright © A. Flood 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012


My posts to this blog stopped some time ago when I started work on a new story idea.  Much darker in tone than 'Smoke and Mirrors', it was intended to be a hardboiled, 'future-noir' piece.  Writing it was, in honesty, hard work.

I then stopped writing almost completely following the arrival of my wonderful baby son.  Priorities shifted, perception of time altered, and mental energies were diverted and exhausted elsewhere.  The whole wonderful process of being with my wife and son throughout his first seven months has gone by in a whirlwind of remarkable experiences.  I am so very lucky.

Now I find that my luck continues as I find small ways of making a return to writing.  After all, the creative urge never really diminished, it was just set aside for a time.  Some of the new writing has come from sharing the pursuit with a very good friend and some has been shaped by my new station in life.

With smaller chunks of time, I'll write smaller chunks of fiction.  Flex the old writing muscles and see if they still work.  If any of these fragments, scenes, shorts or pieces of flash fiction feel right, I'll post them.

If you are one of the readers who visit this site from time to time, please accept my sincerest thanks.  It's genuinely good to know that there are people out there who find my writing to be of interest.  I hope I can continue to entertain.